My Story – Part 4

1999 – Present

July 1999 – March 2016

Network Marketing

To 2003 – Amway – Independent Business Owner

While learning the basics of network marketing (mlm) and personal development built up a team of 19 carrying out direct sales of household, cosmetic and nutrition products. Decided to leave when the company and network began to be investigated for pyramid selling, the operation was temporarily closed down in the UK a few years later.

From 2003 – Utility Warehouse – Group Leader

Brought most of the team across to what was then Telecom Plus, direct selling domestic telecoms and energy. Developed this working full time for a number of years to a team of around 150 people and a customer base of several thousand of which nearly 600 were personally introduced. Was one of between 5 and 10 top personal customer gatherers for seven years running. Sadly, lost this business under the terms of my divorce in 2016.

 From July 2013

Continuing Professional/Personal Development

Sustained by my UW income, pensions and loans I embarked on a period of ‘retraining’ and developing my previously acquired skills and knowledge for a career in a more coaching approach than the consulting role I had so far taken.

My key influencers, mentors and coaches have been Peter Thomson, Joe Vitale, Natalie Ledwell, Mary Morrissey, Andrrea Hess, Marisa Peer, Bob Proctor and Phil Olley in that order chronologically.

I have gained certification in various disciplines and modalities based around personal development, coaching, spirituality and mentoring, being personally trained by most of the people listed.

This has brought me to a wider understanding of how the world, and life, really works and equipped me to assist people and businesses in many ways above and beyond what I have been doing before.

 December 2016 – present

CEO Life Mastery Universal Ltd

The Freedom Academy – Chief Philosophy Officer

I set up this business to serve individual rather than business clients and provide coaching, hypnotherapy and other services to individuals using various systems and frameworks according to clients’ needs.

Alongside these face to face and remote personal services I have also set up the web based ‘Freedom Academy’ which provides members access to a significant number of training programmes, publications and tools. This subscription based community provides regular web based meetings, masterclasses and masterminds, and according to the level of membership also give access to some individual or group coaching sessions.

 May – October 2022

Chief Operating Officer – Rhino XR Studios LLC, New Hampshire

Appointed to take charge of the development of a metaverse ‘world’ relieving the CEO of working ‘in’ the business. Unfortunately, he was unable to let go of any level of control resulting in the resignation of myself and four other senior appointees. The project has now folded.

 October 2022 – present

MXRB Consultants ( – Senior Consultant

A part-time occasional role advising interested parties on all things blockchain, AI, crypto, metaverse and other emerging technology, focussing on education, process development, and connection between providers and those who require work done.