Large Organisation Consultancy
Consultancy for Organisations
Information Management
This is not about the management of IT, but the management of information itself within organisations, what criteria are used to turn raw data into information and how information is transmitted between and within different organisational levels.
It has been my experience in general that information tends to be tailored at each level to what they believe the next level ‘wants to hear’. I have seen managers suppress what hey think is ‘negative’ and also in other organisations what they think is ‘positive’.
Usually senior management get the feeling that something isn’t quite right with what is being reported but because it usually originates as data at the ‘front line’ they find it difficult to get to the bottom of their concerns.
I can help as I’ve conducted several investigations usually involving direct discussion with front line staff and reporting my findings directly back to the Board or Directors concerned.
I’m confident in dealing with organisations of any size in any sector, given the appropriate level of senior management support. See my profile for more information.
Process Management
Having robust , clear, understandable processes will have a massive positive effect on how an organisation operates. If managed well it can eliminate or sharply reduce any form of ‘blame culture’ and make for a much better working environment for everyone concerned.
Often the result of investigation into information or operational problems comes down to the absence of a clear process or reliance of a process that is out of date or no longer fit for purpose.
These are not particularly difficult issues to resolve but the exercise usually requires a significant attention to detail and examination of what is going on in time that is often unavailable to people who are going about their normal business.
If you already have a good quality and process management team these matters should be able to be dealt with in-house, however it often needs a fresh pair of eyes looking at it from the outside to enable real progress to be made.
I can help you as I have significant experience in this area. Book a call to discuss what might need to be done.